Chef Yehuda Sichel of Huda

Imagine it's April 20, 2020, and finally your dream of owning your own place becomes a reality. You've worked really hard to someday have the opportunity to be your own boss, so you grab the entrepreneurial spirit by the balls and go for it, signing your name on the dotted line, not knowing what's lurking just around the corner.

Well, this is the story of Huda, Chef Yehuda Sichel's debut restaurant that opened in the middle of the pandemic in downtown Philadelphia in the summer of 2020. Listen in as he details those sobering moments and the work he's had to do to ensure his dream stays alive, as well as hear about his strictly kosher upbringing and the hilarious moments when he started working in restaurants where he was exposed to foods he'd never even touched before. "Shrimp have peels? Do I peel it like a banana?" 

Chef Yehuda Sichel of Huda

Chefs Angie Rito & Scott Tacinelli of Don Angie NYC


Chefs Scott Calhoun and Dave Feola of Ember & Ash